School Trustees

The Madison County Regional Board of School Trustees meets regularly on the first Monday of January, April, July, and October at the
Regional Office of Education, 157 North Main, Suite 438, Edwardsville, IL, at 5:00 p.m. 

The regular quarterly meeting may be cancelled if no issues for action have been presented to the board and it has no pending business.
Special meetings are scheduled as needed. The seven member board is elected by a non-partisan ballot in the consolidated election for six year terms.
Click HERE for a pdf document describing the duties of a Regional Board of School Trustee.

2023-2024 Meeting Dates

October 2, 2023-cancelled

October 7 2024

January 8, 2024-cancelled

January 6, 2025

April 1, 2024-cancelled

April 7, 2025

July 1, 2024-cancelled

Meetings will be held at 5:00 p.m. at the Regional Office of Education
157 North Main, Suite 438, Edwardsville, IL

Member Name

Term Expires

Kyle Brase


Steve Gusewell


Craig Wiesman


Brett Dustmann


Chantal Chandler


Maxine Jackson-Caldwell


Ray Wesley

