Return to Learning Plan


Madison County ROE #41 has developed a Return to Learning Plan for the 2021 – 2022 school year.

The ROE has reviewed our previous Return to Learning Plan that governed the 20-21 school year and reviewed the document based on guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health and Illinois State Board of Education. Additionally, input from stakeholders was taken into account to ensure the ROE properly utilizes American Rescue Plan resources to provide our students with a safe environment, appropriate academic programs, social emotional supports, and current technology. Each of which will allow our students to grow academically and socially as our ROE recovers from a living through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Areas identified in the Return to Learning Plan include: American Rescue Plan, Wellness, Human Resources, Technology, Instruction, and Operations. The areas will guide the day to day practices and procedures that occur in each school facility from entrance, exit, classroom instruction, lunch, etc. for our anticipated Return to Learning in the weeks ahead. While the plan is comprehensive, the ROE will be forthcoming if changes and adjustments are needed as we travel down uncharted waters.

Thank you for your time, effort and constant dedication to our students!

Robert W. Werden, Regional Superintendent

*This set of guidelines and protocols was updated and reflecting IDPH guidance as of 8/17/2021. This document is an ever changing outline based upon the recommendations and guidelines set forth by the CDC, Illinois State Board of Education and IDPH and may be updated based on school community, relevant litigation, county positivity numbers, and after consultation with local public health officials. Modifications to this plan could include increased mitigation measures to decrease the spread of COVID-19. The plan will be regularly reviewed, but no less frequently than every six months, taking into consideration the timing of significant changes to CDC guidance on reopening schools. In determining whether revisions are necessary, and in making any revisions, the ROE will seek public input and take such input into account. If the CDC Guidance has been updated at the time the ROE revises this plan, the revised plan will address the ROE’s policies for each of the CDC’s safety recommendations.

Activities to Promote Wellbeing

Suggestions for Additional Activities Mind Body Spirit Environment Family

● Reading, e.g., independent reading, listening to someone else read, audiobooks
● Puzzles, Word Searches
● Write a story or in a journal
● Count money
● Draw a map of your neighborhood
● Building with blocks or Legos
● Listen to a podcast
● Watch a documentary
● Practice another language
● Invent something
● Take a walk
● Dance
● Exercise
● Fine/gross motor activities
● Reading, e.g., independent reading, listening to someone else read, audiobooks
● Puzzles, Word Searches
● Write a story or in a journal
● Draw a map of your neighborhood
● Building with blocks or Legos
● Listen to a podcast
● Watch a documentary
● Practice another language 

● Play a sport
● Listen to music or sing
● Playing (inside or outside)
● Creative arts
● Coloring or drawing
● Imaginative play
● Meditate
● Do something you’ve been avoiding
● Clean up your room
● Do age appropriate chores
● Gardening
● Fix something broken
● Take care of pets or plants
● Cook or bake
● Write a letter to someone
● Play board games with a family member
● Tell jokes or riddles
● Build a fort and tell stories in it
● Offer to help someone
● Take a walk
● Dance
● Exercise
● Fine/gross motor activities
● Stretch or do yoga
● Invent something